Year: 2023

Pt Erin pool’s TRIP🎉

Fakaa lofa lahi atu bloggers.

Last Thursday we year 6 went to Pt Erin pools and as you can see thats me.

Yeah they had diving boards, slides and A SPA, can you belive it.

when I liped off I felt like the world made go in to speed mode because when I jumped off  and I felt like I was about to do a belly flop but it was amazing.

Would you Jump off?

see ya.

My Superhero

Kia Ora bloggers

On Thursday we did My superhero.

My superhero’s name is Sage and if you can’t see her power is mind control, Telekinesis and Flying.

Have you done Your superhero?

Blog ya later

Culture festivle

(This is a last year photo) ( Can’t find Niuean group photo)

Fakaa lofa lahi bloggers .

This year we have done culture groups and I know that us year sixs are leaving this year and that was our last culture groups but back what were suppose to be doing. I really enjoyed me and my group and everyone else. Me and my group worked so hard with our dance and it was kinda hard but at the end we made it and it felt good. How do you feel at culture festivel.

Ponder 1 <333♑

Bula bloggers.

If I were an explorer I would go to  niue because they have bautiful  oceans and you can see Dolphins in the sea and Niue is my home and the reason why I really like niue is because  they have uga bits a type of crap  and thats why i would go ya later


Novel ponder 5

Kia Orana bloggers,

If  I could travel back in time i would go back and meet Whitney Houston I would ask her these two questions.

  1. What was your favourit song you recorded
  2.  What did you like about your life like what part was fun.

Maritime museum trip

Kia Ora bloggers.

On Friday the 15th of September the Hive went to the Maritime Museum. Unfortunately, it was too windy to sail on the Ted Ashby, an old-fashioned sailing boat, but I still had a great time.
Here are the three top things I learned:
  1. I learned the waka’s lefts and rights like staberb is right and port.
  2. we learned that the water near us was 5 feet deep and it wasn’t sand it was mud.
  3. we learned that the whales come to tonga and give birth to their babys and then they leave back to Antarctica.

It might have been windy but I had alot of fun and learned new things. what did you like about the waka and the museum?. blog ya later

Ponder 9 <333

Kia Ora bloggers Lokkie here.

If I could  choose an animal to be I would be a  bird.

Because I get a nice view of things I haven’t seen yeet and it would be fast to go some where if I had to  and being a bird comes with big responsibility like looking after your babys and looking for food and it’s hard loooking for food when you have youself an babys and thats it see ya later.What animal would you choose if you had a choice.

Beewax making!<3333

Kia Ora Bloggers Lokkie from the Hive.

Yesterday we did Beewax wrap It was really fun and easy and  you can make your own. you can choose your own cloth aswell unless there all out  I got the ginger bread one, But It was really stinky but really fun and I hope you had fun.What did you like about the beewax wrap.Blog ya later